College Preparedness 1

College age participants will experience introductory principles of empty hand striking combat, weapons based defense, grappling and groundwork concepts, pressure testing scenarios and introductory situational awareness psychology. Students will develop independent confidence in their ability to defend and trust themselves as they transition into a university setting. Overview: Intro to Stance, Striking, and Movement/Footwork Striking on targets and raw motor skill striking development Distance management Boundary establishment Deescalation & Violence diffusion tactics. Reactionary Defensive drills Simulated “Live” Energy Offensive and Defensive Striking Scenarios Situational Awareness and Assessment Principles Foundational Close Quarter Combat (CQC) Fear Management Mental Conditioning Foundational Environmental and Weapons of Opportunity (WOO) principles.

Date: July 9, 2022
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: Main Location
25461 Alicia Pkwy
Suite B
Laguna Hills, California 92653 US
Members-Only Registration

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